Facebook requests bother me. Especially the kind where I haven't seen or heard from the person since high school. I've recently had two acquaintances from high school request my friendship and I am confused as to what I should do.
When I graduated from high school I never looked back. I danced to the beat of my own drum and my small community knew it. I had no intention of marrying young and popping out babies like many of my friends did. And because of this I can honestly say I've kept in touch with one person from high school and he didn't even graduate with me.
What also interests me is that both of the individuals "requesting" were on my high school reunion committee, the one I was conveniently not invited to. I guess calling my father who still lives in the small-ass town and asking where I could be located was too much work. The snub made me want to totally Romy and Michelle the reunion. It just goes to show that reunions are for the popular crowd. My father urged I not attend anyway (the local newspaper announced it). He felt my accomplishments wouldn't match up with the many children the women I graduated with have had. Where I come from the badges are babies, Bibles, and husbands. No, no, and nope.
So I have not seen or talked to these people, nor would I via Facebook. Even in high school I really wasn't close to them. I'm not into "collecting" friends. In fact the only reason I signed up for Facebook was because my undergraduate students requested it and I felt it might boost my end of the semester evaluations (which it did). So what should I do? I know I'm not alone out there after recently reading this post over at Magic Cookie. Is Facebook something people are now using to reconnect and possibly become better friends? Isn't it just a way to lurk? Am I missing the point? Because I honestly feel like it's more of a "look how many friends I have" thing.
Labels: random
Ever watch St. Elmo's Fire? I went twenty-some years without seeing it and life was just fine. Now my appreciation for 80's movies will never be the same. Eh... Here, enjoy a clip! It talks about law students!
Labels: Law Laughs, random
I did something today I have never, EVER done before, I complained to a hair dresser and succeeded with my request! Yeah! I had my haircut and colored almost two weeks ago and walked away extremely dissatisfied. I wanted my roots touched up since I had been long overdue for a coloring and cut. I walked away still with roots. She told me that the sun would lighten my hair. I wanted to tell her that I wasn't throwing money her way for that lovely advice. She complimented the way my hair gradually got lighter toward the ends. I wanted to kill her considering it was obvious that I was not a true, true blond with the way my hair turned out. Who goes to the salon wanting their roots one color and the mid and end sections another? Honestly? I'm not currently in a band* and I'd choose Kool-aid over a salon if I wanted to stand out.
So I called and made another appointment. She admitted that she was unhappy with the lifting process and now I am a much happier blond! My roots match my tips and I didn't hear a word about the sun naturally taking care of my strands. In the end I chose to tip her since she did the right thing by correcting her mistake. I also wanted to pay her for her time since I know what it's like to work in the service field. I appreciated not having to explain in fine detail my disgust and she was very professional. Hooray! I feel so much better!
*Superdrumtastic, my all-drum band, is currently on a hiatus.
Labels: random
Several bloggers choose to remain anonymous and I don't blame them. I plan on remaining anonymous for as long as I can. My perception is that law students prefer anonymity more so than other bloggers. Why? Any thoughts out there? If I were to find and read med student blogs or grad student blogs would this be the case too? Why is it that in reality lawyers and law students are somewhat quick, and cheesy, to network yet in cyberspace we want our anonymity?
I once chose to delete a blog due to a family member taking offense to something I posted. Fact is, she took what I wrote out of context and thought it was about her. It has been a year and she still refuses to speak to me. I did what I could to resolve the issue however I refused to apologize for something she took out of context. In the end I chose to delete the blog so that she couldn't continue to read it anymore. I may not be able to control what she thinks but I am able to control what she reads and knows about me.
I also have a friend who deleted her law school blog due to pressure from law students at her school. Another blogger at her school wrote a post containing post-exam material. Law students became upset and pressured the school to make a statement about blogging. While I can see why the law students were upset I disagree with pressuring the blogger, and intimidating other bloggers, to quit. It's just a blog and the blogger learned from their mistake.
So why is it that we all can't get along over the net? Why can't we agree to disagree over a blog? Not everyone is going to agree with me, enjoy my sense of humor or care about my life, as well as vice versa. I find it interesting that I am protecting myself and this blog from local law school criticism by not disclosing my school. Also worth mentioning is how I don't mind strangers knowing certain things about my life, however when it comes to that first day I doubt I'll spill my beans to everyone in my "Hi, my name is Kel" schpeal. I find it interesting that while we may all bitch to each other, start cat fights, etc in person we choose to do so anonymously online. And I find it interesting how some law student blogs rip their fellow colleagues apart but I'll save that one for another day.
So here's the deal. Let's be professional. Let's be friends and colleagues. Let's work together. And when we need that extra push or shoulder let's be there for each other. (This is starting to sound too Oprahish.) Let's be real.
Labels: law blogging, networking
So I was reading about Law School Discussion over at Terra Nullius the other day and decided to make my way over there this evening. I have to admit that I feel silly. Well, I don't know if "silly" is the right word but it will do for the time being. I haven't spent a lot of time over at LSD mainly because I know that the threads will: 1) piss me off, 2) cause me to waste time and most importantly 3) lead me to believe I'm behind in the game I'm supposedly playing. Yes, I learned it was a game and so far I'm a bazillion points behind with no extra lives. I thought I was headed down a bread and butter career path, not into an all out hulk out roller derby competition.
What peeved me was the conversation on what I should be doing RIGHT NOW to ensure I have a top notch internship A YEAR FROM NOW! Maybe I don't get it or maybe my blond is showing but how am I supposed to be vying for internships when law school HASN'T EVEN STARTED? In my opinion there is a difference between networking and trying to arrange summer employment, with one of the differences alone being tact. I reserve the right to network, to politely and professionally put my presence out there, however I believe sending out "Hello, I'm the 1L you'll want come May" sends the wrong message. If I were a legal secretary I would laugh at these folks and most likely have a brown nosin' file if only to amuse myself. Where is the tact in that?
I think I'll follow other LSD advice and meticulously organize my hamster's sock drawer. That, and rick roll my closest friends of course.
Labels: 0L, networking
Above the Law posted its list of the top 10 legal songs.
I love Stuff White People Like. I cannot stop laughing over some of the items.
The Law humor bin. Funny but remaining skeptical.
And this new found gem!
Labels: Law Laughs
Well, I finally toured my law school. I've described it to others as an "eh" experience because the Director of Admissions did not know how to "sell" his school. Imagine Ben Stein's character in Ferris Bueller's Day Off showing you around. "Here is a large classroom. Here is a small classroom. Here are the faculty offices. Here is the library." WOW! How NOT exciting. Overall it was a good experience and I was also able to quickly orient myself to the campus layout. We were also able to meet with the Dean who recommended that I do absolutely nothing in terms of prep work, but told me a summer reading list was sent out last week. I just laughed at the suggestion. "Do nothing, but here's a list of reading if you're truly bored."
In other news, we were able to find a house the first day in town! HOORAY! We signed the lease today, even though we won't be moving until August. I thought a July to June lease would look better on my residency application than August to July. It also ensures that I can get all the other items off the residency check-list prior to classes starting. So yeah, the beefcake dogs will be excited about their new digs, although smaller than the current house. It's also super close to the bus, with only an hour ride. I know, I know--a long ride but I'm not yet willing to purchase a second car knowing I'll be living off of loans and scholarships for the next three years.
Now I can truly relax a little...
Labels: my school
We are currently visiting the metropolis which includes my law school. Our goal is to find housing in six days that will allow two beefcake dogs AND is within an hour bus ride of school. The latter is proving to be harder than we anticipated. The city is large, like a million large, which will be a huge change from the university towns I've lived in. Actually, the idea of living in such a large city is intimidating, however law school grads have informed me that I will rarely step into the citylife and instead stay close to the library for the next three years.
Tomorrow I am actually visiting my school for the first time. I didn't have the money to travel and visit law schools when I applied. There is only one law school in a 300 mile radius and I knew enough about it to not have to visit. I'm hoping that my gut feeling, you know-that feeling you get when something just feels right or wrong, tells me THIS is the school for you! I'll fill you in on my gut reaction later...
Labels: application process, choosing a school, law schools, my school
I woke up this morning wondering if I truly was going to law school. I mean, I haven't heard from them in awhile. I even thought about calling just to ask someone if my name was in there somewhere. But I didn't call. Instead I wasted the day away clearing out my Google Reader, having lunch at a posh new place where I ordered THE MESSIEST crab salad sandwich EVER (if they want to be posh they shouldn't serve messy food), and successfully put off reading.
So here I was, staring at this blank post page, avoiding writing and I decided to refresh my e-mail for the millionth time today where I found orientation information from my school! HOORAY! I'm not going crazy!
Other lazy accomplishments:
- napped with pooches
- practiced robot dance (in case I need money for law school)
- decided to dry clothes a little longer instead of removing from the dryer and folding them
- oiled cuticles
- found and linked to new law school blogs
Labels: random
The June LSAT is coming up and I'm happy to say that I don't care! I never have to look at that exam again! However, I bought this book while I was studying for the LSAT and thought I would post my two cents on it. I was looking for a book that would question my thinking about law school and this helped. There are quizzes with a scoring system. There is a breakdown of different areas of the law. The book is divided into three sections: before, during and after law school. I think it's a great resource for anyone having questions. I like how the authors talk about how it's alright to learn, to admit that law school isn't for everyone. Afterall, life is a learning process.
Labels: 0L, application process, summer reading list
School is out which means I'm on to new odds and ends jobs this summer before I begin law school. One is as a math tutor. On Friday we headed over to the home where I'll tutor for a fine feast of food, friends and fun. The house is stunning. The yard is fabulous and the homemade sangria was heavenly.
I've known this family for the past year and they have been absolutely wonderful to me. So when they asked if I would tutor their daughter I had no reservations. I had been told that Mr. S is a wine connoisseur and Mrs. S an excellent chef. I was and am excited to spend two evenings each week with them.
However a new challenge presented itself to me.
Mr. S was telling us wine stories and I briefly mentioned that I grew up in wine country. I told him about my aversion toward some wines due to a childhood of drinking diluted wine since we couldn't afford juice. Yep. My mother would dilute the wine we received from the wineries we sold our grapes to and serve it for dinner. My parents really don't drink and in the 80's there was a lot of shitty wine. It worked well as a juice substitute and I'm positive us kids willingly went to sleep on our own.
So Mr. S presented me with a challenge; to learn to enjoy wine. Was he serious? Yes. I start my wine appreciation course tomorrow with a man who knows way too much about wine. It will be interesting to see if I can tutor while wine-ing. I still can't believe they're going to pay me to do this.
Labels: 0L