Several bloggers choose to remain anonymous and I don't blame them. I plan on remaining anonymous for as long as I can. My perception is that law students prefer anonymity more so than other bloggers. Why? Any thoughts out there? If I were to find and read med student blogs or grad student blogs would this be the case too? Why is it that in reality lawyers and law students are somewhat quick, and cheesy, to network yet in cyberspace we want our anonymity?

I once chose to delete a blog due to a family member taking offense to something I posted. Fact is, she took what I wrote out of context and thought it was about her. It has been a year and she still refuses to speak to me. I did what I could to resolve the issue however I refused to apologize for something she took out of context. In the end I chose to delete the blog so that she couldn't continue to read it anymore. I may not be able to control what she thinks but I am able to control what she reads and knows about me.

I also have a friend who deleted her law school blog due to pressure from law students at her school. Another blogger at her school wrote a post containing post-exam material. Law students became upset and pressured the school to make a statement about blogging. While I can see why the law students were upset I disagree with pressuring the blogger, and intimidating other bloggers, to quit. It's just a blog and the blogger learned from their mistake.

So why is it that we all can't get along over the net? Why can't we agree to disagree over a blog? Not everyone is going to agree with me, enjoy my sense of humor or care about my life, as well as vice versa. I find it interesting that I am protecting myself and this blog from local law school criticism by not disclosing my school. Also worth mentioning is how I don't mind strangers knowing certain things about my life, however when it comes to that first day I doubt I'll spill my beans to everyone in my "Hi, my name is Kel" schpeal. I find it interesting that while we may all bitch to each other, start cat fights, etc in person we choose to do so anonymously online. And I find it interesting how some law student blogs rip their fellow colleagues apart but I'll save that one for another day.

So here's the deal. Let's be professional. Let's be friends and colleagues. Let's work together. And when we need that extra push or shoulder let's be there for each other. (This is starting to sound too Oprahish.) Let's be real.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Once you sit in your classes for a month or 2.... you will realize why some of us rip our fellow classmates ("colleagues") apart. The stress of law school exacerbates many annoying things that you would otherwise let roll of your back.

    The tried and true saying goes... "If after the first month of classes you aren't annoyed by at least one asshole in your class... then the asshole is you."

    I don't mean that in a mean way... but trust me... once September rolls around you'll know why by the time some of us get to 3L we're so bitter, cynical and jaded.
    K said...
    I've heard this from many law students and I've met douchebag law students, I even lived with one who would bring them home.
    I know I'll be annoyed. I already am annoyed by those on LSD. I just don't want this blog to turn into one long rant. Nor do I want others to criticize my bravery in expressing myself.

    I know I won't be the asshole but I can't say I won't have many spaced-out blond moments.
    Shells said...
    Oh, if you could only see the colorful parade of law school friends who have come through our home. Luckily, B's friends mostly fall into the slightly socially inept but endearing rather than the outright ass-hole-ish category.

    On a different note, I'm a huge fan of the anonymity. There have been times when I think it would be much easier to talk about what school I'm going to, etc., but once school starts and things get a little more intense, I think I'll enjoy the freedom of not worrying about classmates reading my blog. So for now, I'm anon :)
    Unknown said...
    I think law students prefer anonymity more than others because it's a very small environment, no matter where you are. It's not like going to undergrad at a school with thousands of other people. At my school the sections are less than 100 people, and those people are the ones you have to see day in and day out for a whole year. It's different than being a completely anonymous face in a crowded lecture hall of 400 people. Does that make sense?
    Anonymous said...
    I was thinking about this a while ago, but I stuck with my decision not to be anonymous.
    The decision is based on my reasons for blogging. Some law blogs are bitchpulpits. They are juicy, entertaining, and best kept anonymous.
    When you’re not anonymous the standard shifts –I won’t write anything that I wouldn’t be comfortable posting in the hallway of my school. If I put my name to it, I’m going to stand by it (it’s good practice!) The purpose of my blog is to share my law school experience. It isn’t to bitch about my peers, so it doesn’t need to be anonymous.

    If your purpose in blogging to sheer, uncontrolled venting, then anonymity is best.

    I find that when I’m ‘in the moment’ about drama I write things that are embarrassing later. Anonymous or not.

    My form of quality control comes from a private journal. I have a private, slovenly journal where I write freely and about everything. If, two days later, I still feel strongly about something, I post it on my blog.
    But, given a brief cooling off period, those “JIMMY FROM TORTS IS A DOUCHE” rants probably won’t make it to the blog.

    And if I truly want to bitch about someone I’ll change their name and circumstances but keep the essence of the situation the same. Just so I won’t cause any drama at school.

    Actually, that blogs actually cause drama blows my mind. Anonymous or not, is it really that serious? How widely read do you think blogs (other than or something) actually are?
    K said...
    no634--In response to "Actually, that blogs actually cause drama blows my mind. Anonymous or not, is it really that serious? How widely read do you think blogs (other than or something) actually are?"

    I don't know how widely read law student blogs are. I know I enjoy reading and learning from them but am I in the majority? Who knows? I would be curious to know how many law students read law student blogs.

    From the other law blogs I've read it does seem that some prefer anonymity because of events that took place when their identity was known. It may just cause the blog owner undue stress. I'm not sure.

    Any thoughts or experiences out there?
    Anonymous said...
    I agree with you Jansen when you are baffled that law school blogs cause drama. But I will say that it doesn't take wide readership for drama to ensue. All it takes is a bored or distracted law student to use Google (assuming the the blog is NOT anonymous), and then tell their friends what they find.
    PT-LawMom said...
    I don't post about any specific details about class/classmates because that would certainly blow any anonymity I'd like to think I have. I'm certain at least a few classmates read my blog but so far they've kept it to themselves. I bet that if I blogged about class issues or school issues, that would change. That said, many of the law students and lawyers I have "met" through the blog know who I am IRL. I reveal myself quickly and easily because I agree that the blog can be a great networking tool. That said, I want to know who is reading it. I have several systems set up to track my readership and I own my URL so that I can block IP addresses, should I so desire. That certainly eliminates the whole "pissed family member" possibility (assuming they would tell you they are reading).

    Good thoughts.

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