Issue: Is the issue that some of my classmates are driving me into depression and a constant state of irrationality present or my mind's creation?
Rule: When finals are approaching your fellow law student classmates will do whatever it takes to make you feel less of a person and make you question your humanity.
Application: My fellow law students have been very vocal about how much studying they've already done, how concise their outlines are, how their memos are finished and how they've already completed several practice exams. Some just make you feel inadequate in general in that they're quick to respond to any review question, small assignment, hypothetical, etc.
Conclusion: I don't like being around law students right now. It's not good for my health as they are a constant reminder of all the things I: 1) haven't done; 2) want to do; 3) want to find time to do; and 4) the reason why I don't study at the law library.
These people are driving me crazy and we have two weeks until our first final. I'm off to meditate as I don't do well with crazies surrounding me.
Good luck with finals prep ON YOUR TERMS! It's the best kind. You can only do what you can do and at the end of the day you can't expect more from yourself than you have to give. Who knows if this philosophy will work for me, but for now it's keeping my head on straight in a sea of crazy.
Listening to my fellow students was the big mistake I made. It sounds like you won't be sucked into this scheme of stress and anxiety, so good for you! :)
Lay low for the next couple of weeks and just focus on yourself. Let your fellow peers run themselves into the ground.
Cafes are the new libraries.
Or, try the public library, (or) the undergrad/business libraries. Anywhere but the law school. It's toxic.
Hang tough this spring...almost at the end!